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Community Centered Boards in Colorado: Everything You Should Know

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Abby Care
Explore the vital role Colorado Community Centered Boards play in addressing social needs and supporting families.

Community Centered Boards (CCBs) in Colorado are your friendly helpers when it comes to getting assistance for developmental challenges. Across all the counties in the state, there are 20 CCBs making life easier for families like yours, and they team up with private sector providers to bring you and your family many essential services.

At Abby Care, we know what it feels like to have a family member with developmental challenges. We understand that it can be quite overwhelming, especially if you’re not sure about getting assistance from the state. That’s why we’ve created this guide to help you understand the Colorado Community Centered Boards and to show you how easily you can access the support you and your family need.

How Community Centered Boards Support the Disability Community

CCBs in Colorado have one main objective: they try to make life easier for you and your loved ones by providing a range of services to assist individuals facing developmental challenges. Their main goal is to ensure you receive the assistance needed to lead a fulfilling life. CCBs achieve this by offering services like:

  • Respite Care: CCBs arrange for breaks for families (called respite care), where someone takes care of your loved one with developmental challenges, giving you or other family caregivers some time off to rest.
  • Case Management: CCBs help you manage different aspects of your situation, such as coordinating services, making plans, and assisting you in understanding and accessing the support available to you and your family.
  • Supported Employment: Finding employment can be tough if you or someone in your family is facing developmental challenges. Thankfully, Colorado Community Centered Boards can help make a real difference in your life by helping you find and keep a job that matches your skills and interests. This helps in promoting a sense of independence and accomplishment.
  • Community Integration: These boards focus on connecting individuals with unique health needs with the community. This way, they help you and your loved ones experiencing developmental challenges participate in community activities and ensure you all feel included and part of the neighborhood.
  • Recreational Activities: CCBs make sure you or your loved one with developmental challenges enjoy fun activities! From arts and crafts to sports, these activities promote social interaction and create a sense of belonging.

Case Management and Responsibilities

To help individuals and families in Colorado, CCBs take on the important role of case management, meaning they carefully look at the needs of each person and family, making sure they get the right support. These roles include:

  1. Needs Assessment and Identification: CCBs figure out what each person and family needs by identifying the challenges and requirements to create a plan that fits just right.
  2. Client Intake and Evaluation: When someone new needs help, CCBs do a client intake, which means getting to know them better. The boards evaluate the situation to understand how best to support the individual or family.
  3. Resource Allocation and Coordination: CCBs determine what resources are available and make sure they’re used wisely. This might include finding services, programs, or assistance in the community. CCBs also coordinate these resources so that everything works together smoothly.
  4. Advocacy for Clients: CCBs stand up and speak up for those who need help. If you or your loved ones require support, these boards work tirelessly to ensure your voices are heard. Advocating for improved services, policies, and opportunities, they are champions for families like yours facing developmental challenges.
  5. Colorado Medicaid Waivers: If you have unique health needs, CCBs help you navigate and access crucial health services, including those covered by Colorado Medicaid waivers. Their mission is to ensure that you, or your loved ones requiring assistance, receive the tailored support and care you deserve. The waivers CCBs work with include:
    • Children’s Extensive Support (CES) waiver
    • Brain Injury Waiver (BI)
    • Children’s Home and Community Based Services (CHCBS) waiver

Components of Community Centered Boards

Colorado Community Centered Boards have various essential components that work together to help you or your loved ones deal with developmental challenges. Here’s a closer look at these important parts:

  1. Programs and Services: CCBs create tailored programs and services for your unique needs, especially concerning developmental challenges, Whether it’s finding jobs or fostering community inclusion, these resources are designed to support you, your loved ones, and everyone in the special needs community.
  2. Facility Management: CCBs make sure the places where people get help are in good condition and safe. While they might not run or manage the facilities directly, they usually work with service providers to ensure the places where people get support are easy for everyone to use.
  3. Community Engagement: Connecting families and others in the community is a big part of CCBs’ work. They engage with individuals, families, and local resources to create a support network. This helps ensure that both your needs and the needs of other families facing developmental challenges are understood and properly addressed. Usually, CCBs achieve this through outreach, advocacy, and working with local organizations and stakeholders to make the special needs community an important part of the bigger community.

Collaborations and Partnerships

CCBs often team with other groups to help provide comprehensive support and services to the disability community in Colorado. These collaborations and partnerships are often with organizations like:

  1. Local Government Agencies: Working with local government agencies is very important for CCBs, as it ensures well-planned and better services for you and your family. For example, CCBs in Colorado often cross-train with the Department of Human Services (DHS) and the Department of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) to make sure everyone gets the support they need.
  2.  Nonprofit Organizations: CCBs work hand-in-hand with nonprofit organizations like the Colorado Center for the Blind, Project SEARCH, and several other nonprofits to expand the services and support available to the special needs community. By teaming up with nonprofits, CCBs can make the most of shared resources and expertise, providing a broader range of assistance for you and your loved ones.
  3.  Educational Institutions: Educational institutions like the University of Colorado Boulder, the University of Colorado Denver, and the University of Northern Colorado partner with CCBs in Colorado. They work together to provide speech and language services for folks with communication challenges and offer internships and master’s programs dedicated to supporting people, including those with developmental differences.
  4. Healthcare Providers: Partnerships with healthcare providers ensure that you or your loved ones facing developmental challenges receive top-notch healthcare services. CCBs can better coordinate medical and support services by working closely with healthcare providers.
  5. Businesses and Private Sectors: CCBs team up with businesses and the private sector to open doors to jobs, training, and community involvement for individuals with developmental differences. Also, they team with private service providers to ensure a comprehensive range of services for the special needs community.


Colorado Community Centered Boards are important in addressing social needs, offering various programs, and bringing the community together. This rings especially true for families like yours, navigating the unique challenges of having a loved one with distinct health needs.

In the face of evolving needs, CCBs adapt and innovate; ensuring community centers are always there to assist when you need them. Join us to champion this essential work. Explore opportunities with Abby Care and, together, let's make a lasting, positive impact on our communities.


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